Tokyo, July 20: My Hero Academia Season 7 Part 2 only recently picked off the ground. However, after just two episode broadcasts, the beloved anime based...
MIAMI, July 20: Rapper and singer Sean Kingston and his mother have been indicted in South Florida on federal charges of committing more than $1 million worth of...
New Delhi, July 19: 'Barzakh' delves into the complexities of love that transcends life and explores themes of gender inclusivity, mental health, and generational...
Los Angeles, July 19: Unadulterated truth is rare in the shadowy and deceptive world of intelligence and counterintelligence. It’s a realm dominated by liars...
Mumbai, July 19: Renowned sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik on July 12, won the Golden Sand Master award at an international championship in Russia. The event, International Sand Sculpture Championship...