Bengaluru, Mar 26: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai on Wednesday said over 325 Naxalites have been killed and more than 2,000 of them have either been arrested or surrendered in one-and-half months in the state.
The Chhattisgarh Chief Minister was here for an investors’ meet.
“An image has been created that the entire Chhattisgarh is infested with Naxalism, which is not true. A small region of Chhattisgarh, which is Bastar, has the Naxal problem and rest of the state is free from the menace,” Sai claimed.
“Our one-year-old government and our security forces are fighting against Naxal menace bravely and we feel that in just one-and-half months over 325 Naxalites have been eliminated and over 2,000 Naxalites have either been arrested or have surrendered,” Sai told reporters here.
“We are confident that Naxal menace will be eradicated very soon,” he added.
The Chief Minister said the state has formulated a favourable rehabilitation package for those who surrender.
Further, a scheme has also been launched which is called ‘Your beautiful village’ in the Naxal-affected places, under which about 38 security camps have been opened in Naxal hit areas. Benefits under this scheme are also being provided to over 100 villages, he added.
He also said that the Union Home Minister Amit Shah has taken a vow to eradicate Naxal problem by March 31, 2026. (PTI)