New Delhi, Jan 23: As the Delhi Assembly polls draw nearer, the police have introduced two AI-driven chatbots, ‘Chunav Mitra’ and ‘Cyber Sarthi,’ to assist their personnel and paramilitary forces with their election-related duties, an officer said.
These bilingual chatbots, available in Hindi and English, will ensure effective management of the upcoming Delhi Assembly polls, the officer added.
Highlighting the features of these AI-based chatbots, the official explained that these applications will ensure the timely dissemination of critical instructions and guidelines issued by the Election Commission of India (ECI) and the Delhi Police.
‘Chunav Mitra’ provides real-time access to rules, directives and field instructions, while ‘Cyber Sarthi’ focuses on cybersecurity.
It equips personnel with essential guidelines for the safe use of digital tools and platforms, ensuring the security of sensitive election-related information.
“Both chatbots are built on an extensive database of election-related information. These applications can be accessed via a dedicated link or QR code by officers in the field,” said Special Commissioner of Police (Crime) Devesh Chandra Srivastva.
The user-friendly design of the AI chatbots simplifies complex instructions, offering practical support for officers of all ranks.
These applications were developed under the guidance of Delhi Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora to ensure seamless election management, said the Special CP. (PTI)